
This page provides a sampling of presentations given in the past five years to academic and professional audiences across a range of disciplines. Where possible, I have been/will be uploading PDF copies of talks, but please note that the contents of these talks is copyright (©) Jonathan Reades, 2010–present.

* = Invited Talk

Academic Conferences

‘Disruption in Large Transit Systems’ with Batty, M. at the European Conference on Complex Systems in Brussels, Belgium (2012)

‘Calling Time on the Census? Using surnames and telecoms for population geography’ with Cheshire, J. at the 32nd International Geographical Congress in Cologne, Germany (2012)

‘Mapping the Space of Flows: Business Telecommunications and Employment Specialisation in the London Mega-City Region’ with Smith, D. at the Regional Studies European Conference in Delft, The Netherlands (2012)

‘Proximity, Knowledge Work & Telecommunications’ at Proximity Days 7th Edition in Montreal, Canada (2012)

‘Understanding Transport Networks: Supply & Demand’ with Serras, J. at CASA Smart Cities in London, U.K. (2012)

* ‘Geographic representation now’ at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design in Cambridge, Massachusetts U.S.A. (2011)

‘Telecommunications in Urban & Regional Analysis’ with Smith, D. at the European Regional Science Association Conference in Barcelona, Spain (2011)

* ‘Is There a Role for Big Data in Healthcare Research?’ at the Spatio-Temporal Data Mining Conference in London, England (2011)

* ‘Cellular Census’ at the S4 European Spatial Analysis Network conference in London, U.K. (2009)

‘People, Places & Privacy’ at the Social Positioning Method Conference in Tartu, Estonia (2008)

‘Towards a Cellular Census?’ at the 2nd International Cartographic Association Conference in Athens, U.S.A. (2007)

Professional & Policy Conferences

* ‘Learning about London from the Olympics’ at Digital Life Design: Cities in London U.K. (2012)

* ‘An Early Look at the Public Transit Legacy’ at ucl’s Transport & the Olympic Legacy in London U.K. (2012)

* ‘From Big Data to Community Engagement’ at the Modelling World Conference, London U.K. (2012)

* ‘Open Data & Visualisation’ at the Transport Ticketing Conference, London U.K. (2012) [Download]

* ‘Connected Cities Workshop’ at the Networks of the Future Conference in Paris, France (2011)

* ‘The Future of the Greater Southeast of England’ at the London Development Agency, London U.K. (2010)

* ‘Visualising London’ at GLA /London City Hall, London U.K. (2010)

* ‘Vers un recensement cellulaire’ at Carte Blanche à l’Institut Estonien in Paris, France (2010)

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